Friday, October 17, 2008


All my planned activities for the weekend seems dunt go on well....
Here's the list of to do for the weekend
  1. Go jog around the neighbourhood
  2. Go to my mentor's history bar in the morning
  3. Perform project μ
  4. Grab a new car steering lock
  5. Revive my guitar by playing it~~~~ (duh!)
Unable to jog, due to sleep till late...cos too tired
Unable to attend the history bar, due to mum not feeling well......
Unable to perform project μ, due to the needs to stay at home.....
Unable to grab new steering lock, due to also the needs to stay at home...refer to the first reason
Unable to revive the guitar, due to lazineess.....

Full of excuses......
I know, i know......i remember the quote...frm nid to remind me....


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